Skip King of King Fly Rods will be presenting all about bamboo and you don’t want to miss this!!
So why choose a bamboo rod to fish with? There are so many choices for the fly fishing angler, to chose from. But there is no other rod choice that has as much history and elegance than fishing with a bamboo rod. Bamboo rods were first crafted and used in the early 1800’s in England, and were the rod of choice up till the 1950’s, when manufacturers starting producing rods out of new materials. Which leads us to where we are today, with more choices, and technology than ever before. However, these times are changing, as many anglers are going back to using bamboo, for many reasons. The history, tradition, and simplicity are bringing anglers back. Yes, it’s great to use fast action rods, slapping streamers to bring on vicious strikes! Who wouldn’t like that? But there is also a time and place to use a rod that is relaxing, light weight, with a slow action, that presents a tiny dry fly ever so softly on still water. Truly a beautiful way to fly fish.
So come to the April meeting, and hear all about bamboo fly rods. The history. How and when to use a bamboo rod. And how to make a bamboo fly rod. Skip will also be here in DFW for most of the spring, and has a booth at the Scarborough Fair. Make time to go down to Waxahachie and check out all of his offerings.
Read more about Skip King!
Scarborough Fair
Be sure to put April 2 on your calendar for our club meeting at 7 p.m. at our usual venue at the UNT Health Science Center, Room RES114 (Bryer Hall), 3500 Camp Bowie Blvd in Fort Worth.