Saturday morning, May 21, Fort Worth Fly Fishers will host an outing on the Brazos River near Glen Rose, at the Brazos River Outdoor Center located just under the U.S. 67 bridge. The Brazos River Outdoor Center is a family-owned business that offers visitors the opportunity to float or wade the Brazos River in addition to primitive campsites with access to a shared restroom and shower. A full list of Brazos River Outdoor Center’s rules and layout is here.
The club will cover the Center’s $5 entrance fee for people arriving between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. – provided attending members pre-register for the outing by Wednesday, May 18. The list of pre-registered attendees will then be shared with the Brazos River Outdoor Center for free member access prior to our outing. Members wishing to attend the Brazos River outing should contact host and club VP David Hooper via email at or outings director Christopher Patnode at Anglers will have the opportunity to float or wade fish the Brazos River in hopes of landing one if its many species.
Want to float the Brazos River? No problem. The Brazos Outdoor Center offers kayak rentals and a shuttle service every hour beginning at 9 a.m. to a put-in location 3.5 miles upriver. Members are responsible for paying their own fees – $20 to rent a kayak for the day and $10/kayak plus $10/person for the shuttle – should you choose. It’s recommended that you pre-register for a shuttle prior to the event with David or Chris to ensure there is transportation for everyone.
Here are the details:
• Time: 7 a.m. to 12 noon
• Location: Brazos River Outdoor Center, 1191 County Road 316, Rainbow, Texas 76077; GPS Coordinates: 32.27149-97.66642
• Entrance Fee: $5, FREE with pre-registration
• Optional services: one-person kayak rental, $20/day; tandem kayak rental, $30/day; shuttle, $10/person and $10/kayak.
• Food and drink: Bring whatever you prefer, but NO glass containers allowed at the Center. Or Glen Rose, less than 10 minutes away on US. 67, has several eateries.
• Gear: 6 – 8weight rod, floating or intermediate line, hat, sunblock, sun protection clothing
• Recommended flies: Clousers, wooly buggers, crawfish patterns, poppers
• Species: Bass, catfish, freshwater drum, carp, striper, crappie
See you there!