By Dutch Baughman
FWFF Member
The next Fly Fishing Skills classes will begin on Thursday, Sept. Once again, we will conduct classes via Zoom. Here’s the line-up:
• Fly Fishing Skills I — begins at 5:30 p.m. and adjourns by 6:45;
• Fly Fishing Skills II –begins at 7 p.m. and adjourns around 8:30;
• Both classes last 10 weeks, concluding on Nov. 18
Fly Fishing Skills classes are offered through the Fort Worth Fly Fishers education program and are available to paid members of Fort Worth Fly Fishers and Dallas Fly Fishers. If you attended the classes last semester, you are approved for attendance this semester. New members to either club are welcome, but please contact David Hooper at Fort Worth Fly Fishers or Jack Gillis at Dallas Fly Fishers.
Both classes have been enhanced since last semester. Students for each class will receive an updated version of the entire slide presentation prior to the first class. Slide decks now have a complete Table of Contents so you can find specific topics by using the slide number as a reference. The entire curriculum from last semester has been critiqued and updated. We are also planning to have in-person casting sessions during the semester. If possible, we might also have in-person lab sessions for fly fishing knots
The curriculum will include a complete array of the comprehensive topics presented last semester, but with some additional enhancements:
Fly Fishing Skills I:
• More fly fishing video
• Expanded sections on fly fishing history, fly fishing equipment, rigging, reading the water and water column, stream anatomy, entomology and fly fishing trips
• NEW topics on “Search Image” and feeding behavior
• Slide decks for Fly Fishing History, Reading Water and the Water Column, Fly Fishing History, Entomology, Fly Fishing Safety, and Fly Fishing Etiquette
Fly Fishing Skills II:
• More fly fishing video
• Identify This Fish
• Identify This Fly
• Identify This Knot
• Expanded sections on casting, fly fishing trips, fish species, knots, stream anatomy, safety and etiquette
• More emphasis on the catching (set the hook, play the fish, handle the fish, revive the fish, release the fish)
• Revised sections on fly selection, fish behavior and fish habitat
• NEW topic on “Search Image”
• Slide decks for Line Management, Reading Water and the Water Column, Fly Fishing History, Entomology, Fly Fishing Safety, and Fly Fishing Etiquette
If you attended the Fly Fishing Skills classes last semester and want to attend the classes again this semester, just send me an email at so I can build the class email list for the weekly Zoom access link. In your email to me, be sure to indicate which class you want to attend. If you did not attend the classes last semester, please contact David Hooper if you are a member of the Fort Worth Fly Fishers or contact Jack Gillis if you are a member of the Dallas Fly Fishers.
Please contact me if you have any questions.