FWFF members have already filled one fly-tying class with Colorado-based guide Pat Dorsey, and now it’s time to do the same with upcoming speaker Landon Mayer. On March. 1 at Backwoods Fort Worth, Colorado guide Landon Mayer will also lead participants in tying a selection of his proven “Guide Flies.” There is also an Umpqua gift included in the cost that will be given to each participant
All you need to bring is your vise, tying tools and a selection of threads. Other materials will be provided. Attendance for each class is limited to 12. Cost is $45 for each class.
Here are the details:
Location: Backwoods Fort Worth, 441 Carroll St., Fort Worth
Dates: March 1 for Landon Mayer
Time: 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Registration: Online at fortworthflyfishers.org – sign in and click on the Calendar, then “Landon Mayer Event”; or contact Glenn Guminski at Sailmoore94@verizon.net or 817-403-0526.