The Mustang District of the Longhorn Council of the Boy Scouts of America will host a “Hooked on Scouting” recruitment event Saturday, Oct. 7. The event is 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Bear Creek Park in Keller.
This is a fishing event for new cub scouts and their recruiters, with the opportunity for up to 150 scouts and families to get hooked on fishing and scouting. Volunteers are needed from FWFF to help with fishing instruction (knot tying, fish identification and safe handling, casting, baiting of hooks) as well as for fly tying demonstration and instruction, fly casting demo and instructions, as well as hot dog grill work. This is an excellent opportunity for us to hopefully have regular events with local scout units
If you can help or have questions about the event, please contact Eric James at 214-405-4129 or at