IMPORTANT NEWS: Due to a speaker scheduling conflict, there will be TWO club meetings in November. Both meetings begin at 7 pm at the UNT Health Science Center in Fort Worth.
Tuesday, November 1 is our regularly scheduled meeting night. We’ll have announcements, discuss the November outing and slate of officers. You can bring your favorite 2016 fishing photos on a flash drive to give to Suresh, who is putting together the Christmas party presentation. This will be the last day you can submit photos to him.
Tuesday, November 8, our speaker is nationally-known fly fisher and author Ed Engle. He will be presenting “25 WAYS TO ELEVATE YOUR TROUT GAME.”
This program provides 25 tips that Ed believes will help elevate your trout game to the next level. These “tips” come from the more than 40 years that Ed has spent writing and speaking about fly fishing tactics, studying trout behavior, tying flies, guiding fly fishers and just fishing. Some are so obvious they may not have occurred to you. Others are more complicated. Some are controversial. But all of them will get you thinking about your fly fishing game and what you can do.

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