Joint Club Trip to Colorado
For the past 4 years, 20+ fellow anglers from our club have journeyed off to Colorado for a week of fly fishing. The offer has always been out there for other clubs to join the Fort Worth Fly Fishers. And this year many clubs did just that. This year, we were joined by the Texas Women’s Fly Fishers, and a few from the Piney Woods Fly Fishers, and Dallas Fly Fishers. A great time was had by all. Stories of fishing trips were shared, along with some great food.
Once settled in and after a day of fishing, we were treated with a wonderful evening with the Women’s fly fishers in a remote cabin over looking the Rio Grande Valley. An amazing spread of food and beverages were served. This was just the beginning, as the next night was catered BBQ, and then Thursday night ended the week, with a HUGE fish fry, with my famous Dr. Pepper onion rings!!! Recipe not included, but can be had.
We were met with some difficult fishing conditions, as there was still plenty of water rolling down the creeks and rivers. High water means not so good drifts, and limited chances for the excellent dry fishing this area has to offer. But perseverance is evident with these groups, and trout were caught. So many that 40+ hungry anglers were treated to some delicious brook trout!! Trout were caught many different ways. Streams, rivers, and high mountain streams. Dry fly action was still the most popular way of catching the feisty trout. Parachute Adams, Royal Wolff’s , Stimulators and more. But rumor had it that someone was really good at throwing streamers.
No water was safe, as the group hit the area with rented guides, float tubes, and wading experts!! No creek was safe, as everyone shared their favorite fishing spots with each other. No local shop went with out extra business, as we lost flies at an alarming rate!!!! No road was safe as our city vehicles were all up in the mountains!!! Good thing was we all made it back safely and had a great time. If you missed it, you will have to go next year!! Fun time for all.
Special Thanks to all who helped prepare the food and catch the fish. Job well done.
By Russell Husted