- Brook Trout
- We eat well
- Those onion rings!
- Beautiful cutthroats
- Small water is fun to fish!
- Beef.
- There are brown trout, too
- Rainbow trout
- More rainbow trout
- Yes!
- The colors are unreal
- Brook trout are beautiful and delicious
To get there, we usually meet as a group somewhere in Fort Worth in the morning and caravan up 287. We will drive to Raton, New Mexico, arriving at around 7pm their time. We will have dinner in town, and then check into the Motel 6. You should get reservations on your own for the first night. The next morning, we will depart after breakfast at the local pancake house. We will continue on to Southfork, arriving before lunch time. There are a couple stops along the way. One at Monte Vista where we load up on food for the week. We may also stop at the fly shop as we come into Southfork. Last stop is at Rainbow Grocery to get fishing licenses, and anything else we have forgot. Then we will check in the rooms, unpack, make a quick lunch, and head out to fish!!! We will be staying at Foothills Lodge in Southfork.
Meals will mostly be cooked in the rooms. Simple breakfasts. Lunch will be eaten at campgrounds, or near the water. Mostly sandwiches, snack foods, jerky. Quick and easy. Dinners will also be cooked at the cabins. There are grills available, and a full kitchen to work with. Fish will be on the menu a few nights for sure. Trout is so good up there!! We will go out to eat two nights. The Rock a Way Steakhouse on the last night of the trip for sure. Kind of finalizes the week. The other night out will be decided on the porch. Speaking of the porch, it is mandatory to hang out with the group on the porch each night. That is when lies are told, and no one is safe during these discussions. Fun times!!! Usually we buy groceries for the room, and split the costs evenly. Trust me, no one starves on this trip!!!
Fishing is amazing!!! But can be difficult. The streams will be low and extremely clear. Those little guys can see you coming. Fishing is usually best in the am, and late afternoon. To get into the really good action, you have to get where they are hiding. This may mean walking into a canyon, fishing near brush, or deep under lying cut banks. There are so many places to fish. Small streams you can jump across, larger creeks, big river, and loads of lakes. Russell will set you up, with whatever you want to do, and feel comfortable with. He will fish with anyone who needs help. He will also pair up experienced anglers with not so experienced anglers. That way everyone is set up for success. We will also discuss each night where we are going the next day, so we can account for everyone.
Equipment you may want to bring. Rods no bigger than a 5wt, unless you plan on fishing the river a lot. A 3 or 4 wt usually do great. Have a vest, or pack with you to carry water, flies, and other stuff. Good shoes are a must. I wet wade most of the time. The water is not very deep, and it feels great. Good wading boots and wading socks. Neoprene socks work great. May want to have a good wading staff, as you will lose your balance often, and may fall. A good trip usually has a good fall to laugh about. Must have a hat, and sunglasses. The hat will keep you from getting burnt, and sunglasses used to help from glare, and to see the trout. Polarized for sure. Many of us will tie flies at night, so bring your tying materials. Flies are pretty basic. Mostly small dries, like parachute adams, blue wing olives, yellow sallies, elk hair caddis, and hoppers of all sorts. Terrestrials also work. For lakes, its all bout the woolie buggers!! There are flies shops there like I said, so adjustments can easily be made.
Other things to do instead of fishing? Lots to do. Shopping, hiking, horseback riding, rafting the river, guided fishing trips other than mine, rent a jeep, feed alligators, play in sand dunes, take a mine tour, go see waterfalls, take a nap, learn how to make a martini, sightseeing to many beautiful areas, take a train ride. So much to do!!!!
Rooms. We will do our best to fill up each room, so its cheaper and you get to meet new friends. That way the cost is spread out. Still very affordable.
Cost is very affordable. Can be done for around $500 for the week, if you manage your money well. Gas is also spilt up by the ones that are riding together. We will set up car pool arrangements as well.